Osama bin Laden video released

Sep. 7 - Osama bin Laden says in a new video that the United States is still susceptible to attack despite all its military spending.(story includes video)

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Osama bin Laden video released Osama bin Laden video released Reviewed by Bobby on 13:50 Rating: 5


  1. He's such a fool...

    absurd thought -
    God of the Universe thinks
    Bin Laden is SO cool

    and he loves his videos
    educating infidels

  2. New Osama video seems yet another forgery. Everyone needs Osama alive:
    terrorists as symbolic leader and the US Administration - to avoid
    scaling down the war on terror.
    Obadiah Shoher rightly notes (
    http://www.samsonblinded.org/news/osama-commemorates-911-1114 ) that
    new Osama talks like a leftist university professor. I like Shoher's
    analysis. No way a terrorist leader like Osama would use a speechwriter. Osama is famous
    for his rhetoric.
    Also, in the tape Osama both threatens America with attack (by
    "proving" Americans polytheists) and offers (yet another time)
    long-term coaching in Islam.
    But his dyed beard makes me cautious. Islam's mujahedeen dye their
    beards before battle.
