A Disposable Coffee Cup Has Inspired An Indispensable Idea

This is something very interesting and worthy of finding. With today climatic changes around the world, it might be you who will need it next. Lets work together in making this real and affordable to all. Excellent design guys. It is definitely worth pursuing.

 It truly fascinates me how some people's minds work. When Michael McDaniel bought his coffee one morning, he came up with an idea that could change the way we deal with disasters as a society.


Extract from the article: Michael McDaniel: Over eight years ago, Hurricane Katrina hit the City of New Orleans. Shelter was something that was sorely lacking. Being from Mississippi, I was absolutely appalled at how the disaster response was being handled, especially in regards to shelter. Hi. I'm Michael McDaniel. I founded Reaction for one purpose: to revolutionize the way world responds to disasters. I started designing the Exo just three days after Katrina. One of the primary design objectives of the Exo was to be able to provide a secure and safe place for families after disasters. The Exo design stems from a very simple premise. Four people are able to lift it by hand and set it up in under 2 minutes without the need for any tools or heavy machinery. And the idea came from, literally, your basic coffee cup.

A Disposable Coffee Cup Has Inspired An Indispensable Idea A Disposable Coffee Cup Has Inspired An Indispensable Idea Reviewed by Bobby on 13:18 Rating: 5

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