
Triggit is a WYSIWYG web application for integrating third-party elements into websites. It enables people to drag and drop advertisements, Flickr pictures, and YouTube videos directly into their site without any skills in web programming. Triggit is free to use, and works on any site that accepts JavaScript. It does not require any downloads, access to FTP, or APIs. Installation involves pasting one small piece of code in the site.

Triggit's goal is to serve as a feature-rich tool whereby publishers can quickly and easily integrate all manner of widgets, content, advertising units, APIs and data from third party sites. In doing so, it operates as a distribution arm for companies seeking to spread the reach of their advertisements, widgets, content, and data on the web. By making it easier for web publishers to integrate these objects into their websites, Triggit helps to expand the ability of these companies to reach larger online audiences and add new revenue streams.

Triggit Triggit Reviewed by Bobby on 07:02 Rating: 5

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