Rapidshare tricks and hacks

Rapidshare is on of the biggest file sharing or hosting services on the web today. But it isn’t free. You will have to pay to get a Premium Account and for unlimited downloads. Most of us don’t like to waste money to buy a premium account. So here are some simple tricks to for Rapidshare.

Rapidshare premium link generator [Working]:
Want to generate a premium download link of rapidshare ???Here is the site which generates the link
Rapidshare premium link generator
Right now the generator is working with only.de version of the website and doesnot support .com.They are trying to fix the code for .com website also

Proxylist :
Sometimes you might get error like this on your download page " The number of download slots for your country are over ".For those here is a web proxy.This site allows you to bypass rapidshare, megaupload download limits.Paste rapidshare url to form and then choose web proxy and click 'Go' - it will change your IP. If it wont works you should choose another web proxy.

All that you need in rapidshare include:

1-Rapidshare Download Resetter
2-Get RapidShare 6.0
4-MaC Rapid v1.6a Beta11
5-More RapidShare
6-Nuevas Cuentas Premium
7-Rapid Decoder 0.2
10-Rapidleecher php
11-Rapidmule Rapidshare Downloader
12-Rapidshare Decoder
13-Rapidshare Downloader
14-Rapidshare Links Decoder
15-Muchas Cuentas De Rapidshare!!
16-Rapidshare Accounts Checker
17-Rapidshare Premium Accounts Generator
18-Rapidshare Links Cheker
21-Rapidshare Leeching Script
22-The Grabber
23-Ilimitado Rapidshare Con IE
25-Rapidshare Anti-leech Decrypter
26-Rapidshare Leecher
27-RapGet v.11
28-RapidUp v1.31
29-Rapidshare Time Resetter
30-Tips Rapidshare Download Xtreme Neo
31-Rapidshare Spider
32-Grabber v1.4.5 P
34-Cambiar IP
35-Relentless Rapidshare Spyder
36-Rapidshare Spyder
37-Keygen Premium Accounts
38-Más de 1.000 Cuentas Premium
39-Spyder Rapid
40-.Reg IE Downloader Unlimited


RapidLeecher v 5 Alpha

RapidLeecher is the ultimate, easy to use and free software to leech links from file share service Rapidshare, you just paste the link and your download will automatically get downloaded to your desktop with maximum speeds and minimal user interaction. The free software also has support for using proxy servers so that you can download many files at the same time (using different proxy).It works with Rapidshare new website also.

  1. Automated Downloading.
  2. Auto start and system tray support.
  3. Clipboard monitoring.
  4. Silent operation mode, will sit and wait for links in system tray.
  5. Proxy Support for simultaneous downloads and unlimited downloading.
  6. Inbuilt Downloader with detailed static's.
  7. Full installer and uninstaller.
  8. Simple utility.
  9. Pleasant, easy to use interface.
  10. Constantly Updated.
  11. Adware & Spyware Free.
  12. Support is provided for users with quick BUG FIXES
  13. Best of All its FREE & SAFE.
After you click on the link below,you will find the countdown on the bottom right of the page,After the countdown is over you will get the download link

Download from this site

I updated most of the link of downloading.If you have any new tricks of getting premium downloads please post it as a comment

Rapidshare tricks and hacks Rapidshare tricks and hacks Reviewed by Bobby on 15:13 Rating: 5

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